Monday, November 18, 2019

Irish Government's e-Government Initiative Essay

Irish Government's e-Government Initiative - Essay Example The evolution in communication and information technology has been effective in changing the way we communicate. There has been increasing call for democratic regime which is more open and accountable to the people. This has led to the change of view of governance as a leadership by the people and for the people in which the ruled have more say. With the need to be more open to the public and to be more accountable in deliver of service, many government in the world have been taking drastic measures which are aimed at making their service deliver structure better to the people. There has also bee a call for more accountability in governance. In this case the governments have been working to have a system through which the citizens can learn about what is happening in the government and also systematically seek their opinion on various issues that relates to governance. In this case e-government has become one of the most important tools that are being used by various governments in order to enhance accountability and ensure deliver of quality services. E-government in its simple definition can be termed as the use of information can communication technologies in order to improve the activities of the public sector organizations. This means that it is the application of the modern ICT tools in order to enhance governance and delivery of services to the public. It is the systematic arrangement of the public sector such that it is using the modern technology to deliver services to the people and to communication with the people. E-government is portrayed in there main domains. First there has to be improvement of the governance process. This mans that the process of e-administration has to be more efficient and has to be different as compared to the other methods of governance. Second there has to be connectivity of the citizens. This means that eCit izens and eService have to be integrated in the structure. Third there has to be a systematic building of external interactions. In this case there has to be inclusion of eSociety. These three domains mainly addresses the problem that the government may be too costly, too inefficient and ineffective and too self-serving and inconvenient for citizens and too insular in failure to include the larger societies. (Ntiro, 2000) e- Government in Ireland Irish government has been one of the governments in the world which have adapted polices of e-government in order to ensure that there is superior delivery of services. The government has been taking measures which are aimed at ensuring that the public service bodies come up with good e-government policies which are aimed at addressing the various needs of the publics. The Irish government has been awarding the public sector according to the way in which they have been able to implement e-government approaches in their departments. The government has been arming its department with ICT tools that are aimed at ensuring that there is efficient delivery of services to the people. The government agencies have been striving to ensure that they deliver quality services to the people. This has been in line with the revolution in the use of ICT tools by the population which has been considered as one of the simplest way to access to the government

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